
Aspiring Artist & Art Teacher 

I started EmilyIsArtzi, as a way to get my name and my art out into the world. I spend most of my days creating art as a way to cope with myself, boredom, life anxiety, etc. It's been an outlet where I can express myself when words couldn't do me justice. I want to be able to share my creations with the world, and be able to inspire others to express themselves in their own way.

I'm a firm believer that everyone is an artist in their own way. I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelors of Science in Art Education, to become an Art Teacher. My number one goal in life is to teach kids about what it truly means to be an artist. There's a creative side to every kid (and everyone), but some aren't quite sure how to let that part of them shine. As an Art Teacher, I get to see kids grow into themselves, develop new skills,and find their true potentials. 

Society loves to ask people, " Who are you?", and a lot of people aren't quite sure how to answer that question. It can be taken in a million different directions, but it's not as deep as people make it out to be. Take the world for what it is, find your passions, challenge yourself, and do what makes YOU happy. 

My name is Emily and I am ARTzi

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